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Objective and Key Results OKR

Decompose Objectives into Key Results to track work objectively 

  • Objective and Key Results OKR is a technique to decompose Objectives into measurable indicators known as Key Results.

  • An OKR table has entries such as this example:

  • OKR encourages the hierarchical structuring of objectives: your boss' objectives can be decomposed into some of your objectives

  • You should propose your own objectives but you should not go beyond 3 or 4 objectives per quarter to keep your focus

  • Objectives are public so people can collaborate with each other when objectives are aligned

  • Objectives are usually set a little above current skillset to motivate professional growth

  • Bonuses should not be directly tied to reaching objectives because people should be challenged into accepting harder objectives

  • It was introduced by John Doerr in the book Measure What Matters who learned it at Intel in the 1980