Apply collective expertise to solve problems
The Delphi method (Dalkey 1969) is a technique used to collect the assessment of a group of experts without allowing them to influence each other.
Select a group of experts in a topic, people with academic background and practical experience, a broader the spectrum of expertise usually lead to better results
isolate the experts and propose them a problem that you want to solve in a given amount of time that depends on the complexity of the issue
The first round of interaction with the experts is used to present some questions and ask them to write down their answers independently
Now collect these responses and compile them into a single document that will be offered back to the same experts in aggregate form, it is not possible to retrieve who said what
The experts are given another chance to assess their relative position so they can revise or confirm their early assessment
compile the answers to the second round and you have a list of estimates and answers from experts to serve as a base for your considerations
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